Fotograf: Klara Thorell
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Here we list what you can see and do in Filipstad
Welcome to one of the world's most mineral-rich places. 1.8 billion years ago these minerals were formed, but it would take until the 16th century before iron ore began to be mined. In the early 1970s, however, mining quieted down for good. However, the mining village is still alive today with its buildings, mineral collections, exhibitions, beautiful nature, exciting stories and memories that have their origins in the beginning of time..
According to legend, silver ore was mined in Hornkullen even before the Death of Diger, i.e. around 1350. The mining area is a unique monument to Swedish mining. There are several different mine holes in Hornkullen, but it is the Dunderkammaren that is bilge-pumped and possible to go down into. With a little imagination, you can hear the hammers hitting and the shafts creaking. Perhaps you can imagine the smell and smoke from the cooking fires.
A working life museum beyond the ordinary. The museum provides a rich description of the work and living conditions of a few generations, and an understanding of the change society underwent during the latter part of the 20th century.
Since 1967, OLW has been producing snacks in the heart of Värmland and now their long-awaited snack shop is finally in Filipstad - a real oasis of snacks. In addition to selling OLW's products and unique souvenirs, visitors will be able to learn about everything from the history of cheez doodles® to how chips are produced in OLW's factory.
Wasa Knäckebröd Butik & Museum
Barilla/Wasabröd has been in Filipstads since 1931. Next to the factory there is a museum and a shop with factory sales of Wasabröd and Barilla products.
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